
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pardon the Dust...

People keep asking for this, so here it is! A centralized headquarters for the mighty GhostWerks crew! Now we are open, but still under construction... so hopefully, we'll fill it up with STUFF! Corance and I definitely have some shows this summer, and books and other crap for you to buy if you're so inclined! Hopefully we can all get some stuff going!
At any rate, expect this space to get fixed up nice... til then, check the blog roll on the sidebar, where you can find us separately.
stay tuned...

To Leak, or not to Leak...

People would probably buy my magazines and comics more if I didn't show them so much of it free on the internet, but I figure, if the knowledge that you can get never-before-printed comics from Josh Boulet (The Wrong Night in Texas, The Green Reefer) and Brock Rizy (Emily Edison, Catbear Traffic Control) PLUS an 8 page preview of Felipe Smith's ground-breaking culture clash manga Peepo Choo (printed in the back of the issue, so's you can read it right-to-left like he intended, of course) doesn't get you to buy the summer issue of GhettoManga Quarterly, then letting you peek at this page of Manchild: Birthday Boy I finished yesterday won't make much difference, either...